A Free Conscience
What more could happen? In 1978, I lost my Mom to cancer and became angry, bitter, and resentful that she died and angry at God for letting her die. For 43 years I have carried this garbage around. Even though I was a Christian I started drinking wine and whiskey. I was going through a bottle of wine a day sometimes two. I began to drink straight whiskey washing it down with medication. I didn't sleep well, so I would take four sleeping pills instead of one. All this did havoc on my poor body.
But there is good news. One day, I came across Whole Person Counseling and I began to read it, and I thought, "Wow, this is what I have needed for a long time." I have been praying for years that God would bring me to a born again Christian counselor who would bring Gods Word to light, someone who would pray with me and not just diagnose me and put me on meds. I wanted to be set free. I talked with my husband about going to Texas and being gone for 2 weeks. We prayed that if God wanted me to travel to Texas that He would provide the funds and He did. Praise God!
I met with Dr. Frasure and he taught me taught me who I was in Christ and that God in his mercy still loved me even though I thought God was done with me. I figured God was angry with me like my dad was always angry. Before the counseling, I could not answer the question of would I go to heaven when I die. Dr. Frasure also that taught me that Jesus was bruised and died for us so we don't have to carry the pains of this world and the hurts that come in this life. Jesus died so we would be set free. I give Jesus the glory, honor and praise for what I experienced in Texas. I had to be willing to let go and hand my life over to the Lord along with all the ugly things that I experienced in my life and I am glad I did. I gave all my old hurts and addictions to the Lord and I was set free. I also learned that Jesus is the Father to the fatherless and that Jesus will NEVER stop loving me. Jesus has shown me that I am somebody special in his eyes. What better place to be than in the arms of Jesus.
After the counseling was complete, Basil brought me to the air port, helped me get settled, and left. As I was sitting there, I spotted a woman who was coughing and did not feel well. The Lord spoke to my heart ... He actually told me to give her my bottle of water. I didn't obey, but God in his mercy had this woman sit next to me. We began to chat and I learned that she was hurting very deeply because her son had died at the age of 22. I began to share with her the principals that Basil taught me. For the first time ever I was able share Christ and to lead her to the Lord !! Oh the joy that filled my soul. We were on the plane hugging and crying and rejoicing. Praise God! At this moment I am helping another woman who is hurting so very deeply. I thank God that He is using me !! I thought I was a nobody until God showed me that I was indeed a somebody and that somebody who is very special to Him.
The Lord has anointed Dr. Frasure to help hurting
people. If you need to be set free, I encourage you to pray and ask the
Lord about coming to San Angelo to see his faithful servant Dr. Frasure.
You will not be sorry. Please give God a chance to show Himself faithful.
He loves you.
After I returned from my 2 weeks of intense counseling with Dr Frasure, God really began to work in my life and the lives of my husband and children. I began to pray without ceasing until I heard God talking to my spirit. I could truly hear Him. I just wanted to please God. I had been set free and delivered in my counseling but I wanted more! In fact, I wanted to see God do the impossible things which I had dreamed of but never thought they would come to pass. While I was in counseling Basil encouraged me to get the book "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson and I did. I must have read it 5 times. We also used it as a family devotional guide. I saw myself as Ordinary from the land of Familiar and how I wanted out of that land! I wanted to go on a life long journey totally depending upon God for EVERYTHING.
My husband and I began to pray!! We wanted to move out of state, BUT WHERE? We opened the map and asked God where we were to live? Talk about leaving a comfort zone ... we had no money and my husband would have to quit his job of 32 years. We felt the Lord leading us some where in Dallas Texas. So by faith, we put our house up for sale and it sold within one week . We were so excited! However, things went very slowly because of the mortgage company, but we kept our faith and continued to pack and trust God. The movers came and got all of our things, but we still did not have the money from the sale of the house. We left Arizona with $700.00 to our name, but we were still very faithful in trusting God. When we arrived in Texas, we still had not received the escrow money so we could not move into a brand new townhouse! The movers arrived with our things, but they could not unload without money!! They waited for several hours and then told us that they had no choice but to leave and head back to Arizona with our things!! We were scared and we did not understand why God was allowing this to happen, but God said, "You do not have to understand me. Just trust me." So we bought the movers some lunch and continued praying. Just 2 hours before they were to leave, the money was wired into our account!! PRAISE GOD!! God is teaching us to depend upon him for everything, NO MATTER what it is. We left the comfort zone in Arizona so we could do just that. Ken and I and the boys are very happy here in Texas!! God brought people to help us in our time of need. We had full stomachs and shelter from the cold, God knows just what we need and when we need it. I know that we will learn many more lessons, but I also know that God still sits on the throne!! He just wants us to totally trust Him and He will do the rest.
Occasionally someone needs to come back to get refreshed
in the Word and be reminded of who they are in Christ, Janet was no exception.
Here is Janet's
Second Visit.
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