Freedom From A Bipolar Disorder
I had met someone on Internet who I had been e-mailing since September. He is a Biblical Counselor in Texas a mighty, mighty LONG way from Michigan where I live!!! The Counselor said he would rearrange his schedule so that I could have an entire business week of counseling - about 8 hours every day, if I could come to Texas. The day I took the pills after getting out of the hospital- was the day my husband said, "That is it - we are going to Texas!" We made a few phone calls and off we went- took three days to arrive.
In five days of intense Bible study, I learned who I truly am in Christ and His design for my life - not my death. During the week, we dealt with the different pains and traumas that I have experienced at the hands of 'life'. I was led by the Counselor to bring each trauma before the Throne of Grace for forgiveness from God for my participation and forgiveness towards the people that were involved in the pain. To my frustration, the first two and one half days were spent laying a foundation for what we would cover the latter part of the week. Then I was gently, lovingly, led to receive spiritual, mental, and emotional healing through the work of God in Christ.
Then I learned about the entry of demonic beings that may have infiltrated my life as a result of my anger, bitterness, resentment, and rebellion due to those painful traumatic times. I then learned about spiritual warfare and how to take authority in Christ to 'kick the butt' of the devil and to replace ground with the character of God. All week, we were bringing myself, and others to the Throne. The latter part of the week we spent binding and commanding Satan to leave my mind, will, emotions, body ....It was the most freeing experience I have ever had or dreamed possible. My husband said, with each prayer I would glow more and more as Jesus took His rightful place in my life.
Then, on Friday, I asked the Counselor why he hadn't laid hands on me or anointed me or something to pray this whole thing away - he looked me square in the face and said, "because you have to ask for it." I said, "Well, then I am asking for it!!!" Within fifteen minutes the Counselor anointed my husband and I - and that is when I felt the amazing CLEANNESS within and knew I was truly healed of my mental illness. I didn't speak in tongues nor were we 'slain' in the spirit - just washed clean!!!!! Praise God.
The Counselor assured us that through the laying on of hands and prayer that God had also filled us with His Holy Spirit and that we would know it because God would minister through us in an unusual way on our way back to Michigan. Sure enough, through a series of miracles, both I and my husband had an opportunity to minister publicly in a large church in which we had never attended. Since that experience, God has also led other people to us that we might minister unto them as well. We praise God not just because WE are finally free from my suicide attempts and daily turmoil - but that HE has received Glory as we share with people who inquire about my obvious countenance change. Praise God!! Awesome God !!!! BL
I am writing this today on April 24, 2007. This is the 9th anniversary of my healing where GOD gave me back my mind, my will, my life, my marriage and a future. NINE years of freedom in Christ!
Our precious LORD completely and miraculously healed me in 1998 after submitting to Biblical Counseling from Dr Basil Frasure in San Angelo, TX. I was on lots of medication, regular therapy sessions with a Christian Psychiatrist, several hospitalizations, and bilateral ECT treatments. Oh how I hated waking up! Oh how I dreaded to get out of bed and to go through another long day. Doctors never could stabilize my moods. I had an incurable mental illness called 'Bipolar Disorder', that was quickly taking control of me and would have been fatal, as I was determined to die and free my family of the awful ME that I was.
The Lord introduced me to Dr Frasure on Internet. As President of a Bipolar Support group in Escanaba, I was searching the Internet for good material to present to our group. I liked to teach about our medications, add some humor, a group game and conclude with an article of encouragement. So in one of those searches for material, I came across WHOLE PERSON COUNSELING. I began to email Dr Basil Frasure. He e-mailed back promptly teach time including scripture. We e-mailed six months before the LORD gave my husband the signal that it was time to make a change in strategy if I was to get any help. When Ken was truly interested in looking for Alternative care for me, I told him about Dr Frasure. He then spent a couple hours reading the articles on his web site and agreed with all he said. He felt hopeful. Ken made a phone call to Basil, made a visit to our Church, and we left that same Friday for Texas.
The Lord has mightily gifted Dr Basil Frasure to hear what is being said as well as not being said. God has given him much wisdom and discernment into the troubled souls of people like me. After all God created me, who better to know the issues of my life, the root causes of this illness? Basil sought God on my behalf, and began to teach Ken, by demonstration how to counsel people in this way. Ken watched as GOD did a miracle in his wife. I witnessed the change on the inside, Ken witnessed the change on the outside. (That is why today we make a great counseling team- praise God!) Basil uses much prayer, the Bible from cover to cover, and his life experiences to counsel and bring to light what was hidden in the darkness. My husband and I are forever grateful to GOD who led us to Whole Person Counseling.
We are also thankful to our home Church, Calvary Baptist Church, who made a financial investment in us so that we could immediately go to Texas and receive the counseling. We were recipients of their benevolent fund. In our opinion (smile) that was the best investment they ever made with their financial resources!
I hear from many people who are considering going
to see Dr Frasure for their own counseling, and the first question to me
is: Are you still healed?
I walk in a greater freedom in Christ each day. I rarely even
remember those mental illness days except for when the LORD brings it back
for the sake of a counselee who needs me to FEEL what she is
It did take me quite a few years to learn to WALK in freedom.
I did not know what it looked like! I did not know how to do
You would think that I could now explain it to someone who asks me how
to walk in freedom. But I find myself saying the same thing
that Dr Frasure told me repeatedly: Walk in
Slowly one day at a time, God and I learned to walk in step with each
I would not trade that private tutoring time with the LORD for
It has built my faith in Him to be stronger than I ever imagined.
Our marriage is healed and we walk hand in hand through everything life throws at us. My husband is a Pastor and we enjoy serving the Lord together in this way. There have been many challenges in our lives, and in the ministry, but I walk through each one in a healthy manner! We will gladly do whatever HE calls us to do and go wherever HE sends us.
When we awoke this morning, I said "Good Morning Honey", and he said "Happy Healing Anniversary!" This is a special memorial CELEBRATION day for us- but everyday is special. Everyday is worth getting out of bed and facing whatever the day holds... for I am free/whole/complete in Christ!
Praising my Lord!
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