(Accessing The Kingdom)

First, where there is a kingdom, there must also be a King.  Also where there is a kingdom there are must be subjects. In the kingdom of God, Jesus is the King and Believers are his subjects along with the angels.   

Second, to enter the kingdom of God, you must be born into this kingdom. "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"  (John 3:3).

Third, to be born into the kingdom you must be willing to become a subject in the kingdom. One must be willing to submit his life to Jesus as Lord. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved"  (Romans 10:9).

Please pray the following prayer

Dear God:

1. I understand that You are the perfectly righteous God and that You demand perfection.

2. I confess to you that I have not and can not live up to your standards (in actions, words, attitudes, and thoughts).

3. I am convinced that the consequences for my wrong (sin) is spiritual death that leads to the second death (the lake of fire).

4. However, I believe that Jesus, your Son, was perfect, but died for all my imperfections on the cross and was raised from the dead the third day.

5. Therefore, by faith, I commit my life to you, Jesus, allowing you to become my Lord and my King. Amen.

If you have just prayed and given your life to Jesus,
I would like to hear from you. "Contacts"

Receiving The Promises