The Leader

A Father's Prayer

Dear Father in Heaven,

    Thank you for demonstrating your unconditional love to me and my family by giving your son Jesus to die for me and my family. Thank you for the awesome privilege of becoming a father to my children. Help me to always see each of my children as Your gift from above. I pray that You keep my heart turned toward my children and the heart of my children turned toward me. I ask that you give me the grace to have a tender heart toward each of them. I ask that I may receive the grace to speak with a soft tongue and bless and encourage them rather than to curse them or speak evil of them. I ask for the courage to discipline them but also the grace to discipline them in love and not in anger. I ask for the grace and wisdom to be the father that I should that I may train up my children in the nurture and the admonition the Lord. I ask that You give me the grace to teach them the right way, not in words only, but by also being a living example before their eyes. I pray that You protect them from the temptations in this world and from the powers of darkness. I pray that You, Lord, bless both my children and the children of my children that they may be fruitful and prosper and fulfill their God given purpose according to Your Word. Amen.

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