1. Is it hard for you to listen to others as they tell of their problems?
If it is hard for you to listen to others, it is a good indication that you have been wounded and hardened your heart toward others.2. Do you cry very often?
If you cry often, it is a good indication that current events are triggering emotional wounds which are hidden in your memory.3. Do you get more than nine hours of sleep at night?
If you get more than nine hours of sleep at night, it is a good indication that you are probably trying to resolve emotional conflict in your subconscious during your sleep.4. When you argue, do you start your sentences with, "You ..."?
If you start sentences with "You", it is an indication that you are trying to defend yourself and trying to control the situation by attacking the personal identity of others.5. Do you have a fear of being rejected by others?
If your answer is yes, it is a good indication that there are past rejections which you have experienced.6. Do your friends say that you are live in your own world?
Friends can be good objective indicator that you have been hurt and fear being hurt again and therefore have withdrawn into a world of your own.7. Do you experience anxiety or panic attacks?
If you experience anxiety and panic attacks, these are strong indicators of severe emotional wounds from the past.8. Have you forgiven everyone who has offended you?
If you haven't forgiven all your offenders, it indicates that you are holding on to emotional wounds of the past.
1. Do you find yourself being passive?
If you are passive, it indicates that you have been wounded and compromise because you are afraid of being wounded again.2. Do you ever wish evil would happen to others?
If you wish evil upon others, it indicates that you have not forgiven others who have hurt you. You also may have allowed a spirit of bitterness into your life which has built up a stronghold.3. Do other people say that you can't see your own hurts?
All of us have blind spots, but when others begin to point them out to us, then this indicates that we need to do something about them.4. Do you often interrupt others before they finish their statements?
If you interrupt others, it is an indication that you have drawn a conclusion about them or what they are saying before they have finished talking. It is also an indicator that you feel that you have to convince them that you are right. This is an identity problem.5. Do you know of any secret addictions that you have?
Addictions often are simply ways in which you attempt to cover up an emotional wounds.6. Do you often find yourself trying to suppress your emotions?
The suppression of emotions indicates that you fear losing control of your emotions and is usually tied to severe emotional wounds from the past.7. Do you find yourself telling other people how they should feel?
If you find yourself telling other people how they should feel, it is an indication that you have prejudged the other people based upon your own emotions.8. Do you have an imaginary friend in which you confide?
If you confide in an imaginary friend, it is a strong indication that you, because of emotional wounds, are afraid to confide in people. It is also an open door for evil spirits to fill the role of the imaginary friend.
1. Do you awaken in the morning almost as exhausted as when you went to bed?
Exhaustion upon awakening is often an indicator that your mind has been working all night trying to resolve emotional issues. Your body is simply responding to what your mind has been doing.2. Do you exhibit various nervous habits when you are around certain people?
Nervous habits is another indicator of fear of being hurt, either by the individual or someone of whom that individual reminds you.3. Are you comfortable being both with people and being alone?
If you are uncomfortable in either situation this indicates a fear of being hurt. Some people can get lost in crowds while other have to be alone.4. Do you sometimes experience feelings of being hurt, but can not tie them to an event?
This is an indication of a disassociation in your memory and is usually caused by severe emotional wounds. This also can be a symptom of MPD or DID.5. Do you have any physical ailments which are triggered by anxiety or stress?
Emotional wounds or conflicts may cause a break down in the immune system which protects our body from physical sickness and disease.6. Do other people say that you seldom or never show your emotions?
If others say you don't show your emotions, it is an indication that you have been wounded and that scar tissue has built up causing you to be hard hearted.7. Are there blocks of time during the day or week that you lose (have no memory of)?
Memory blocks are good indicators that you have buried the memory of emotional wounds. It can also be in indicator of MPD.8. Do you find yourself being defensive when others attempt to correct you?
Defensiveness is an indication that you are holding on to your reputation rather than putting it in God's hands.
1. Do you wrestle with chronic infections in your body?
Emotional wounds often lower the immune system allowing for chronic infections.2. Do you forbid other people the privilege to feel the way they want to feel?
If you do, you may have become calloused to the feelings of others because of the emotional wounds that you have suffered.3. Are there major events in your childhood that you do not remember?
Amnesia concerning certain childhood events often indicates the blocking of emotional wounds from your conscious memory.4. Do you enjoy staring down other people who disagree with you?
Starring people down is often an aggressive move to protect yourself from revealing real emotional pain.5. Do you allow yourself to lose control when you are angry?
Although this is an act of aggression, it is also a means of defense. Wounded animals often attack as a means of defense.6. Would you say that most other people don't understand your feelings?
If you disguise your feelings, then you are probably afraid to allow others see how hurt you really feel.7. Do you cut others short when they ask you personal questions?
If you cut others short, it is another means of blocking people from seeing how hurt you really are.8. Would other people describe you as being aggressive?
Aggressiveness is almost always a means of trying to control the situation rather than letting God have control. It is also often a cover-up for emotional failures of the past.
1. Do other people say that you are easily offended?
This can also be described as being "touchy". Emotional wounded individuals can be quite "touchy."2. Do you seldom or never cry?
If you seldom cry, it is an indication that you have developed a hardness in you heart from past emotional wounds.3. Do you feel unhappy most of the time?
One can not expect to feel happy all the time; however, if you do not feel happy most of the time, it is a good indication that you have unhealed emotional wounds.4. Do you try to shout down people when they disagree with you?
When you try to shout down others, you are trying to prove your point or be your own defense. You may feel that you have to be right. This is an identity issue.5. Do you have difficulty making eye contact with other people?
The eyes are the windows to the soul. When you avoid making eye contact, it often indicates that you afraid of what others may see inside of yourself.6. Do other people say that you have an addiction to something?
Others may see an addiction in you which you, yourself, are not willing to see. Addictions are often a cover for emotional wounds.7. Do you find yourself being irritated at what others say are little things?
Little irritations that readily surface are often indicators of bigger root problems which have not been resolved. Emotional wounds can make you over-sensitive.8. Do you have difficulty showing tenderness toward others?
The hardness of heart comes from emotional wounds which have crusted over. In contrast, sometimes people are "super sensitive" to the hurts of others because they have experienced similar past emotional wounds.
1. Would others say that you have a short temper?
If you have a short fuse, it is a good indication you are carrying a lot of emotional baggage which you have yet to resolve.2. Do you give others the cold shoulder when they don't accept your view?
If you give others the cold shoulder it is a good indication that you are carrying bitterness that is easily festered into revenge.3. Do you ever say, "I will never allow myself to be hurt like that again"?
If you make statements like this, it is a strong indication of severe emotional wounds that have not been healed.4. Do you have difficulty accepting the imperfections of others?
One who has difficulty in accepting the imperfections in others is usually also critical (on the inside) of themselves. The individual has yet to fully accept the mercy and grace of God in his own life.5. Do you have a problem with insomnia (being unable to sleep)?
The inability to sleep is often the indicator that one has some major emotional issues that have not been resolved.6. Do others say that you sometimes act like two different people?
Acting like two different people can be an indication of a splintering of the soul of the individual. This may occur in the case of severe emotional wounds (bruised identity cases).7. Are there any traumatic experiences in your life that you have chosen to block out?
One should remember that emotional wounds never just automatically go away. Only God can heal them.8. Have you asked God to reveal every emotional wound and waited on the revelation?
One who has not asked God to reveal every emotional wound most likely has emotional wounds he has buried.
1. Do you find yourself saying, "I am sorry" a lot?
Saying "I am sorry" is sometimes a defense mechanism. One may belittle one's self to keep from someone else doing it to him.2. Do you curse or use profanity when you get angry?
Being the "tough guy" with "bad language" is often used as a defense to keep others from seeing how afraid one is on the inside.3. Do you often have nightmares?
Having nightmares is another sign of past traumatic experiences which have not been resolved.4. Have you specifically acknowledged your every individual known wound before God?
One of the first steps in receiving healing is to acknowledge every known wound that you have experienced. Wounds that are not acknowledged will not be healed.5. Do other people say that you are a perfectionist?
People who are trying to be perfectionists usually have an unreasonable expectation of themselves. This is an identity problem.6. Have you asked God to heal you of each emotional hurt based upon Jesus' suffering?
One must ask in order to receive. If you have not asked, you will not receive.7. Have you been totally honest on this test?
If you have not been honest, it is because you have some emotional problems which you are not ready to face.8. Did you find some of the questions on this test offensive?
If you have found some of the questions on this test offensive, it is likely because you are actually covering some unresolved emotional wounds.
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