Why Avoid Counseling?
The following list is some of the arguments that people use for
coming to counseling. You may find an answer to each
by clicking on the arrow button.
Scripture memory verse: Proverbs 19:21
"There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless
the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand."
1. It happened so long ago that it should not matter.
It does matter, or it would not occupy your thoughts.
2. I have tried other types of counseling before, and they did not work.
WPC often works when other counseling fails because WPC is based
upon 1. Prayer, 2. Spiritual discernment, 3. Scriptural principles of truth,
4. Application of God's Word, and 5. Living by the grace of God.
3. It is difficult for me to get away because I have children.
Understood. However, resolving personal issues will enable you
to be a better parent. Furthermore, God will normally provide someone
to care for your children if you are serious about getting counseling.
4. My husband needs counseling more than I do.
Maybe so, but the wife can have a tremendous godly influence upon
her husband as she lives a submitted life before him. (I Peter 3:1-6).
5. I know that I need counseling, but I just don't have time for it.
Resolving issue frees you to have more time to consider other matters.
6. It is mostly the other person's fault.
Maybe so, but the person who comes to counseling usually holds
the key to resolving the problem in the long run.
7. It is difficult for me to get away from my job.
Yes, but resolving issues may give you the ability to do a better job.
Make and appeal to your boss. He will most likely understand.
8. My wife needs counseling more than I do.
Maybe so, but the husband can purify his wife by learning to love her
(Ephesians 5:25-33).
9. I don't want to have to go though all the garbage again.
Understood. However, WPC relies primarily upon the Holy Spirit to bring
the issues to the surface. Furthermore, once the issues/hurts are brought
to the surface, one can receive healing by prayer and through the work of
the grace of God.
10. I am just afraid that counseling won't help.
Fear is one of the greatest tools of the enemy to keep you from
coming to counseling and receiving the victory that God has provided.
11. It just costs too much to go to counseling.
WPC suggested donations are only a fraction of most counseling fees.
God will provide finances and WPC will consider the circumstances.
12. It is just too far to travel to San Angelo, Texas.
Although, WPC may be some distance away, it is only distance.
The enemy will use ANY "fear of the unknown" he can to keep you from
receiving God's blessings.
13. I am just too confused to make a decision to come to counseling.
God is not the author of confusion. The enemy will bring confusion
to keep you from coming to counseling.
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise" (Proverbs 12:15). "Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end" (Proverbs 19:20). See:
Personal Counseling
for appointments.