Latest Additions

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    About once or twice a month, I send out a brief email about updates to my site.  If you are not already on that list and would like to be added, please send me an email with the words, "ADD TO LIST".  Thanks. You may contact me by email using your e-mail server at by clicking on the link below.

1. "New Articles" = "I try to keep some of the New Articles Listed"

Some older suggested articles

2. "The Wounded Tree" = "What flows out of the wounded tree? Jesus is the wounded tree, but we can also be the wounded tree."

3. "The Suffering Of Job" = This article is an attempt to keep a a balance of truth concerning the suffering of Job.

4. "The Guarantee" =  I like to buy things with an absolute lifetime guarantee. What guarantee comes with the promises of the God?

5. Thank you for your support to WPC and please watch for more new postings in the near future.  You are a vital part of the ministry as you share the site with those you know.  *** Please don't forget to notify me of any change in your email address.

Sincerely in God's Grace,
Basil Frasure, PhD.

For questions or comments contact me at Whole Person Counseling.