A Personal Letter

To Visitors

Dear Visitor,

    You may have come to this site out of curiosity or because you are seeking some answers for life; however, you did not come here by "accident"!  Either a friend has encouraged you to come or the Spirit of God has directly led you here.

    In any case, I am glad that you are here, and I want to encourage you that today is the day of your salvation, whether the salvation is for your spirit, soul, or body.

    Some who come here are tired and worn out from trying to fix their own problems.  Others are walking in darkness trying to find the way out.  Still others are mentally abused, emotional wounded, and beaten down.  Some are physically sick and have wrestled with some disease for years.  Some are sinking in indebtedness and don't know what to do.  Others are in spiritual bondage and suffer from indescribable torments.  Finally, some are here looking for help so that they may better minister to others.  It is time to say, "Enough is Enough!"

    Whatever your situation, you can take some positive steps on a journey of salvation today!  However, the first step is to acknowledge the problem(s).  Therefore, I suggest that you pray this brief prayer:

Dear God,

    I ask that you remove anything that has kept me from seeing and acknowledging the truth about my problem(s).  Right now, by the ability that you give to me, I choose to acknowledge that I have the following problem(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ .

    The second step is to realize and acknowledge that you can't fix or solve your own problems.  After all, you have tried before, and it didn't work.  You may have also gone to secular counselors and that didn't work either.  Therefore, I suggest that you pray the following prayer:
Dear God,

    I ask that you reveal to me my own failures in trying to resolve my own problem(s).  Furthermore, I ask that you give me the ability to let go of trying to fix my own problem(s).  Therefore, I give up trying to fix the problem(s) of: ________________________________________________________________________________ .

    The third step to freedom is to submit yourself to God and receive His divine intervention into the situation.  He is able to make everything to work together for your good and His glory.  Therefore, I suggest that you pray the following prayer:
Dear God,

    Since I have acknowledged my problem(s) and the fact that I can not bring the solutions myself, therefore I submit my life to You in these areas for You to bring about positive changes.  I also ask that You will direct me to the godly counselor that will direct and instruct me in Your ways that I may find complete and lasting resolutions.  Amen.

    You will find many articles on this web site that will aid you in preparation for receiving spiritual guidance; however, some people need much more that just the reading of articles.  They need someone who will patiently guide and walk with them through the problems.  They need someone who will help set them on a path of victorious living.  

    *** Remember, God's says, "Today is the day of salvation."  You can begin your journey of salvation today.

Sincerely in Christ,
Basil Frasure, Ph.D.

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    Do you need Spiritual Guidance?
