1. You have frequent dizzy spells. | |||||||
2. You have notable periods (years, months, or days) of memory loss. | |||||||
3. You experience periodic seizures. | |||||||
4. You have frequent headaches. | |||||||
5. You are very creative especially in art, music, writing, or drama. | |||||||
6. Your personality changes with a yawn, cough, sneeze, twitch, or other movement. | |||||||
7. You have suicidal episodes wishing that you were dead. | |||||||
8. You have compulsive feelings to communicate, but are fearful to do so. | |||||||
9. You have inflicted personal injury upon yourself through cutting or burning. | |||||||
10. You have frequent panic attacks. | |||||||
11. You have episodes of sadness without a conscious cause. | |||||||
12. You are conscious of internal dialogue. | |||||||
13. You are generally passive to controlling personalities. | |||||||
14. You have a mysterious interest in or fear of the occult or satanism. | |||||||
15. You experience sudden anger without a justified cause. | |||||||
16. You have knowledge of the occult without book knowledge. |
17. You have great difficulty in choosing what clothing to wear. | |||||||
18. You have a strong desire to please or be accepted at the expense of personal morals. | |||||||
19. You have seemingly unshakable addictions (drugs, tobacco, food, or sex). | |||||||
20. You have frequent stomach ailments. | |||||||
21. You have an inability to remember recent or past actions which others point out. | |||||||
22. You feel extreme isolation even at social gatherings. | |||||||
23. You struggle with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. | |||||||
24. You have bodily pain or extreme discomfort without known medical cause. | |||||||
25. You sometime find yourself playing the role of your opposite sex. | |||||||
26. You become depressed when being around children of a certain age. | |||||||
27. You are fearful of being alone especially in dark places. | |||||||
28. You feel extremely uncomfortable with communion (Lord's Supper) at church. | |||||||
29. You generally avoid most all of physical contact. | |||||||
30. You have major trust issues. | |||||||
31. You experience feelings of detachment from reality in real life situations. | |||||||
32. You discover yourself acting the extreme opposite of your normal personality. | |||||||
33. You become very distressed when religious topics are discussed. | |||||||
34. You have feelings frustration without a known cause. | |||||||
35. You are generally fearful of giving or receiving in intimacy (even in marriage). | |||||||
36. You often feel that you are being misunderstood. | |||||||
37. You experience personality changes when the topic of pregnancy is discussed. | |||||||
38. You experience extreme discomfort at the time of church altar calls. | |||||||
39. You have feelings of detachment even when helping others. | |||||||
40. You are short or secretive about your personal life without explanation. |
41. You have suffered from one or more traumatic sexual experiences. | |||||||
42. You find yourself acting or thinking as a young child, yet in an adult body. | |||||||
43. You excel in intelligence in one area, but fail miserably in many other areas. | |||||||
44. You have been raised in or have been a member of an cult or occult. | |||||||
45. You find yourself strongly wishing that you were another person. | |||||||
46. You often wrestle with confusion about who you really are. | |||||||
47. You have nightmares or sleep disturbances. | |||||||
48. You find that you have purchased items which you don't remember buying. | |||||||
49. You have pictorial (visual) memories, but can place them mentally. | |||||||
50. You have been raised in a extreme legalistic religious environment. | |||||||
51. You may find yourself some place, but don't remember how you got there. | |||||||
52. You find it difficult being still and fidget a lot. | |||||||
53. You have had major losses such as through the deaths of those who you loved. | |||||||
54. You seem to hear voices when no one else is around. | |||||||
55. You find yourself daydreaming when you should be paying attention. | |||||||
56. You were severely punished by your parents for not being perfect. | |||||||
* The more the true answers you have checked or the higher your score, the greater the indication of a need for further investigation.