1. Pray for your husband. (I
Timothy 2:1-6)
a. You receive a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and
b. It is good and acceptable to the Lord.
c. Your husband may be saved.
d. Your husband may come to the knowledge of truth.
2. Be subject unto your husband as unto the Lord,
give him due respect, and be a help meet unto him. (Romans
13:1-5, Ephesians 5:21-33, I Peter 3:1-9, Genesis 2:18, Proverbs
31:10-12, Hebrews 3:13, II Corinthians 1:4)
a. God will use him for a channel for your good.
b. You will have boldness opposed to fear.
c. God will use him to minister unto you.
d. You will have a clear conscience.
e. You may set the stage for receiving love from your husband.
f. Your husband will help in your sanctification
g. You will win him to the Lord. (See also Proverbs 16:7)
3. Give unto your husband due benevolence.
(I Corinthians 7:1-5)
RESULTS: (sex is your gift
to your husband) (Note: he is stimulated through (1) sight, (2) touch,
(3) smell, (4) words) (Study the Song of Solomon) (Ruth 3:3-7)
a. He will not be tempted with another relationship.
b. You will not be tempted with another relationship.
4. Love your husband. (I Peter 3:8,
Titus 2:4, Galatians 5:13-14, Matthew 5:44)
5. Speak blessings over your husband and to him.
(Don't nag or curse) (I Peter 3:9-12) (Proverbs 16:24, 19:13,
21:9, 19, 25:24, 27:15) (I Timothy 2:9-12)
a. You shall inherit a blessing.
b. You will discover a love for life.
c. You will see good days.
d. God will answer your prayers.
6. Trust God to Work through your husband. (I
Peter 3:5, Hebrews 11:11, Luke 17:5-10)
7. Be modest in dress, but also appealing to her
husband. (First it should be the inner woman, then material attire.) (I
Peter 3:4, Esther 5:1, Ruth 3:3)
a. You prevent lustful stares from other men.
b. You attract your husband to you.
c. You humble your husband before you.
d. You make your husband proud of you.
8. Be a household manager. (I Timothy
5:14) (Study Proverbs 31:10-31)
a. You get a good public reputation.
b. You are able to care for your husband and your children.
c. You gain the trust from your husband.
d. You are a benefit to your husband.
e. Your children bless you.
f. Your husband praises you.
g. You receive blessing and praise from the Lord.
9. Cast the care of her marriage upon the Lord.
(Matthew 11:28-30,
I Peter 5:7-9)
a. You will find rest for your soul (mind, will, & emotions).
b. You will be prepared to stand against the enemy.
10. Be willing to suffer for righteousness sake.
(I Peter 2:19-5:14)
a. You get a good conscience. (2:19)
b. You become acceptable in the sight of God. (2:20)
c. You follow the example of Christ. (2:21)
d. You find happiness. (3:14)
e. You overcome fear. (3:14)
f. You have an opportunity to witness to others. (3:15-18)
g. You cease from sin. (4:1)
h. You partake in the sufferings of Christ. (4:13)
i. You become complete, established, strengthened, and settled.