[Y] [N] Please check Y = yes or N = no
[ ]
[ ] 1. Have both of you
given your life to the Lord
Jesus? (You are not to be unequally yoked.)
[ ]
[ ] 2. How long have you
been seeing each other?
(Rushed decisions usually cause regret later.)
[ ]
[ ] 3. Why are you
getting married? (Only God can
fulfill man's basic needs, not a spouse. Women with children often look
for a father for there kids ... bad news. Love is sometimes
misunderstood as an emotion or sexual desire rather than a selfless
choice of commitment.)
[ ] [ ] 4. How do you know that God would
have you to get
married? (All too often people respond, "It is not good for man
to live alone." That answer is very shallow although there is
truth in it. You both should HEAR from God. Sometimes one
person thinks that he hears from God and the other just takes that
person's view without hearing from God for themselves)
[ ] [ ] 5. How long do you see marriage to
be for? (Is this
a trial marriage with divorce as an out or is this for life?)
[ ] [ ] 6. Is this your first marriage?
(People often take
all their baggage from their first marriage right
into the second or third or fourth one.)
[ ] [ ] 7. How do you handle conflicts in
life? (Do you respond with anger? Do you withdraw and
on the hurt? Do you try to make
the other person see your view? Do you try to get even by hurting the
other person? Of course these all lead to additional
conflicts. Love and forgiveness seeing the other individual
grace and prayer should be a priority.)
[ ] [ ] 8. Who is to be the head of the
household? (A
major conflict will arise as the woman rebels or try to wear the pants
in the marriage. Of course, Christ is to ultimately be the head
of the home.)
[ ] [ ] 9. Where do you plan to attend
church? (Often
conflicts arise because one individual wants to go to one church while
the other wants to go to another church. This is significant when
children are involved.)
[ ] [ ] 10. Who will control the
finances? (In many
homes there is a major conflict over who makes the money and who spends
the money).
[ ] [ ] 11. Do you have the consent and
approval of your
parents (if living)? (God works through authority. The age
of being old enough to make one's own decisions without the consent of
the authority over the individual is stepping out of God's authority
and God's perfect will. )
[ ] [ ] 12. How old are you? (We
should note that the
HUMAN brain is not mature until an individual is about in their their
mid-twenties; therefore, decisions when one is under that age can be
immature decisions.)
[ ] [ ] 13. What role will your in-laws play
in your
marriage? (Controlling in-laws cause major disruption in the marriages).
[ ] [ ] 14. Have you broken generational
curses and word
curses and found freedom and healing from childhood trauma? (If these
generational curses are not dealt with, you will experience some major
conflicts later on
in their marriage.)
[ ] [ ] 15. Who will be responsible for
raising the
children? (There is often a struggle especially in blended a
[ ] [ ] 16. Can you afford to get married
(Couples may have not fully considered the cost of lodging, food,
clothing, transportation and many other essentials.)
I don't think that any couple will respond correctly on all
questions, but it will give you a head start in marriage when you can
respond correctly.
I think that these questions and information
may give you enough
to discuss and pray about.