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A. |
praise you because you are the ALMIGHTY God. We praise you because you are the ALPHA and Omega. |
We praise you because
you are the BRIGHT shining morning star. We praise you because you are BEAUTIFUL. |
We praise you because
you are the CREATOR of heaven and earth. We praise you because you are the COUNSELOR. We praise you because you are a COMPASSIONATE God. We praise you because you are our COMPANION. |
We praise you because
you are our DELIVERER. We praise you because you are DIVINE. |
We praise you because
you are the EVERLASTING Father. We praise you because you are the ETERNAL Spirit. |
We praise you because
you are the FATHER of all creation. We praise you because you are the FIRST and the Last. We praise you because you are our FRIEND. |
We praise you because
you are the GOOD Shepherd. We praise you because you are GRACIOUS. We praise you because you are GENEROUS. |
We praise you because
you are our HELPER in time of need. We praise you because you are our HEALER. We praise you because you are our HEALTH. We praise you because you are HOLY. |
We praise you because
you are INDESTRUCTIBLE. We praise you because you are INFINITE. We praise you because your are the I AM. |
We praise you because
you are JEHOVAH-JIRAH (our provider). We praise you because you are the JUST JUDGE. |
We praise you because
you are the KING OF KINGS. We praise you because your are KIND. |
We praise you because
you are LORD OF LORDS. We praise you because you are the God of LOVE. We praise you because you are the God of LIGHT. |
We praise you because
you are the MIGHTY God. We praise you because you are ever MERCIFUL. |
We praise you because
there is NONE like you. We praise you because you NEVER sleep or slumber. |
We praise you because
you are OMNIPOTENT. We praise you because you are OMNIPRESENT. We praise you because you are OMNISCIENCE. We praise you are the OMEGA. |
We praise you because
you the PRINCE OF PEACE. We praise you because you are PRAISEWORTHY. We praise you because you are our PEACEMAKER. We praise you because your are all POWERFUL. |
We praise you because you are the God of the QUICK (the living). |
We praise you because
you are RIGHTEOUS. We praise you because you are the RULER of heaven and earth. |
We praise you because
you are our SAVIOUR. We praise you because you are SOVEREIGN. We praise you because you are SABAOTH (mighty in battle). |
We praise you because
you are TRUE to you Word. We praise you because you are the one TRUE God. |
We praise you because you are UNDERSTANDING. |
We praise you because your are the VICTORIOUS VICTOR. |
We praise you because
you are WONDERFUL. We praise you because you are WORTHY of all praise. |
We praise you because X reminds of us of the CROSS upon which you died. |
We praise you because your name alone is YAHWEH (the self sufficient, the self existent God). |
We praise you because
you the ZEALOUS God. We praise you because you are the God of ZION (Jerusalem). |
* | Here is even a greater challenge! Use the ABC's to state your responses to God |
A. | I
ADORE you. I ADMIRE your beauty. |
B. | I
BLESS you my Lord. I BELIEVE in you. |
C. | I
CELEBRATE who You are. I CALL upon you when I am in need.. |
D. | I
DECLARE your glory. I DEPEND upon you and your strength. |
E. | I
ENJOY your presence. I EXALT your name. |
F. | I
FIND you when when I seek you with all my heart. I FOLLOW after you. |
G. | I
am GRATEFUL for all that you have done for me. I GLORY in your presence. |
H. | I HEROLD the good news about you. |
I. | I
INSTILL your Word in my heart. I IMAGINE just how great you are. |
J. | I
JUMP with joy at the thought of you. I JOY in your presence. |
K. | I KEEP your Word in my heart. |
L. | I
LOVE you with all my heart. I LIVE because you live. |
M. | I MAGNIFY your name. |
N. | I NEED you, Lord. |
O. | I OBEY your voice. |
P. | I PRAISE you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. |
Q. | I QUOTE your Word. |
R. | I REIGN because you reign. |
S. | I SERVE you Lord Jesus. |
T. | I
TRUST in you. I TEACH others who you are. |
U. | I UPHOLD your truth. |
V. | I VALUE what you say. |
W. | I WORSHIP you my God. |
X. | ??? |
Y. | I
YIELD my life to you. I YEARN to be in your presence. |
Z. | I am ZEALOUS to serve you. |
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