The truth is that we all deserve HELL. One may say, "But I haven't been such a bad person." The truth is that we have all rebelled against our Maker. Another truth is that we as individuals are not unique concerning being tempted with thoughts that life is unfair. "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man ...." (I Corinthians 10:13). I have worked with many people that have been abused and had temptations toward all kinds of addictions (alcohol, drugs, sexual addictions including homosexuality, work, and relationship addictions). Solomon said, "...there is no new thing under the sun." (Ecclesiastes. 1:9). The New Age movement is not new at all. It is an old religious philosophy with a new name. Again, the issue often is in our thinking. At one point in time, I have desired to have a ministry like Billy Graham's, but didn't and thought that it was unfair.
Some common symptoms associated with looking at life as being unfair
Here is a brief list of what people often consider as unfair issues: their (race, nationality, parental heritage, physical traits, mental capacity, social status, economic status, experiences of life, birth order, age, religious heritage). What do you get angry about? What seems to be unfair about your life?
Elijah felt that it was unfair that he was the only righteous man, and that the queen had demanded his death (I Kings 19:10-21). He became depressed. He felt that he was all alone, and there was no hope left.
Jonah felt that it was unfair that he would have to preach to the pagans of Nineveh (read the brief book). These thoughts of unfairness caused Jonah to run from God and His word. Such thoughts led him to be willing to be thrown over board into a rough sea. Then when God saved Jonah through sending a large fish to swallow him, Jonah (at least halfway) repented. However, he really preached a message of condemnation rather than of the mercy of God. When the people of Nineveh repented, God also repented from doing the destruction. Jonah got very angry, isolated himself, and even became suicidal.
Job felt that it was unfair to be righteous, but have God to take away his family, his wealth, and health. In fact, he said that he did everything right but he knew that it would not do any good. God would not protect him (Job 3:25-26). Job also came to curse the day that he was born and his own birth. Elihu was the only person that confronted Job on the subject that Job thought that God was unfair. (Job 34:5-18, 35:1-3). Elihu was the only one that God did not rebuke.
Miriam and Aaron thought that it was unfair that God made Moses their prophet and allowed him to marry an Ethiopian woman (Numbers 12:1-16). They compared themselves to Moses and said that God could speak through them just as well as He could speak through Moses. God took personal offense at their words and struck Miriam with leprosy.
Korah and his men thought that it was unfair that Moses and Aaron were the leaders, and had been given all the responsibilities and privileges of leadership (Number 16:1-3). After all, Korah was one of the mighty princes, and honored and respected by many of the people. Again, God took the offense personally. He had placed Moses and Aaron in the position of leadership. God caused the earth to open up and swallow Korah, him men, and their families. The people blamed Moses for the death of their princes and murmured against Moses. God sent a plague to destroy them. Moses and Aaron interceded to save some of the people.
David thought that it was unfair that the unrighteous prosper (Psalm 73:1-16). David said that it had done him no good to cleanse his heart. He said that he could not hold on much longer. It seemed as though God had deserted the righteous and allowed the rich to get fat off the poor. It was more than he could bear. Then he went into the temple and discovered the truth (Psalm 73:17-18).
John, a disciple of Jesus, thought that it was unfair that someone else should cast out evil spirits (Mark 9:38-40). John had been faithful to Jesus along with the other disciples for some time. He felt that anyone else who did miracles, should have to be apart of the "in" group.
The problem is that when we take the position that everything is unfair, what we are really saying is that God is unfair. I have often said, "I just can't do everything." What I am really saying is that, "God, you are unfair because you have given me more to do than I have time or energy to do."
Our first step is to have revelation knowledge that God is righteous. He is fair. There may not be a level playing field by comparison, but God makes all things fair. God is our righteousness (Jehovah-tsidkenu) (Jeremiah 23:5-6). God is true no matter what we perceive wrong about Him or about life (Romans 3:4). Elijah did not realize that God had 7,000 on His side. Jonah knew about the mercy of God, but had not applied it to the people of Nineveh. Miriam didn't understand the meekness of Moses. Meekness is strength submitted under authority. Korah didn't understand the God worked through the authority of Moses and Aaron. David didn't understand the plan of God. He didn't see the big picture from God's perspective. John didn't understand the grace of God. Grace is a gift of God given to those who will receive it.
Our second step is to understand that no temptation is unique to an individual, and that God enables us to over come the temptation (I Corinthians 10:13). We should understand that whatever the temptation, God's grace is available for us to walk through the temptation. As Believers, we never have to sin. As Believers, we are able not to sin. We are free from the power and authority of sin (Romans 6:11-14). The truth is that we can never can say that the devil made us do it. Neither can we say, the past or present, caused us to do wrong.
Our third step is not to focus on sin, but to focus on fellowship with God. (I John 1:7). When we focus on sin, then that is what we do. We sin. When we focus on righteousness, then we do right. One does not train a bank teller to recognize counterfeit bills by showing him a group of bad bills. Instead, the trainee is to learn well what a good bill looks like. Then he can easily recognize a bad one. We are to be led of the Spirit and we will not sin. (Galatians 5:16). We can not obey God and the devil at the same time.
Our fourth step is to give thanks unto God for everything (even our past or present situation) (I Thessalonians 5:18). Why? Or How can we? We can because God has promised to work all things for our good (Romans 8:28). In fact, I suggest that people make a list of at least 10 to 15 benefits that God can work in their lives through what they have experienced or are now experiencing.
Our fifth step is to practice praising God. We give thanks for what God has done or will do (Philippians 4:6). We are to praise God for His nature and character. David made a practice of praising God seven times a day (Psalm 119:164). The more we praise God, the easier it becomes. The more we learn about praising God, the more we see how righteous He really is. Why not take praise breaks instead of coffee breaks?
Our sixth step is to understand that Jesus suffered all the "unfairness" that we might receive life and healing. He was born of poor parents. He was born into a society oppressed by the Romans. Jesus was probably considered by many as being an illegitimate child. He was not understood by Joseph and Mary. He was rejected by the people he knew. Joseph probably died when Jesus was just a young man, and Jesus probably had to pick up the responsibility of caring for the family. He was falsely accused and sentenced to be executed for crimes that he didn't commit. He was rejected by his heavenly Father because of our sins. He suffered these things that we might become a new person and be healed (Isaiah 53:4, Luke 4:18-19).
Our seventh step is freedom. You are free in Jesus. (John 8:31-32). You are free not because you feel free, but because God says that you are free. You experience the freedom as you come to believe it based upon the Word. Amen.