Lies That May Lead To
    NOTE:  Each of  the following  statements are LIES of  the Devil that may lead one to suicide.  Each  lie should  be    confronted with the truth of the Word of God.   Following each set of lies, you will find statements of truth based upon the  Word.   Remember the  words of  Jesus, "If  you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And shall know the truth and the truth shall  make you  free"  (John 8:31-32).

1.  Ignore the hurts that others have brought into your life.  After all, time will heal them.  *These are  lies.*

Answers:  Time does not heal hurts!  Only God through Jesus can heal our hurts (Luke 4:18).
2. Stay out of Church. The people there wouldn't understand what you are going through anyway.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  God's Word commands us to assemble for church services (Hebrews  10:25).   Furthermore, the  Scriptures say  that  we  are  all  tempted  in  the  same  way   (I Corinthians 10:13).
3. Forget about the things that you have done wrong to hurt others.  That was a long time ago and  they didn't  seem too hurt.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are to make things right with others no matter the time frame (Matthew 5:23-24).  It on your mind because it is important (Acts 24:16).
4. Hold on to and fight for your rights.   After all, they are your rights and you deserve to keep them.  *These are lies.*
Answers:   We are to give our lives to God daily (Luke 9:23).  We are to yield our rights to the Father as Jesus   did (Mark 14:36).
5. Don't read your Bible.  It doesn't have anything to say to you about your situation.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are to read and study the Bible for understanding (II Timothy 2:15).  The Word is  applicable   to the life of every person (II Timothy 3:16-17).
6. Get angry as often as you desire.   Modern psychology says to let go and vent your problems.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are to be slow to anger (James 1:19).  We are to put  away all  anger with  the intent  to do harm   (emotional or physical) (Ephesians 4:31).
7.  Avoid getting Christian Counseling.  Religion has nothing to do with your problems.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are to submit to those in spiritual authority who are responsible for the care  of our  souls (Hebrews 13:18).  The  Word in  the form  of counsel  may save our souls (minds, wills, and emotions) (James 1:21).
8. Get away with as much as possible.   The authority over you doesn't know what they are doing anyway.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  The things that we do wrong harden our moral conscience (I Timothy 4:2).  Those in authority are to be respected for  they are  under God's  authority and  also bring discipline into our lives (Romans 13:1-5).
9. Always compare yourself with other people: what they look like, what they have, what they can do, where they go, what position they hold, what friends they have, and how much money they make.  After all you should be better than them. *These are lies.*
Answers:   Comparison almost always leads us to put others down or causes us  to put  ourselves down (Romans 15:7).   We are simply to put others on a higher level of esteem than ourselves (Philippians 2:3).
10. Don't talk with God about your problems.  After all, He let all this happen to you.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are not to be anxious, but bring everything  before God  in prayer  (Philippians 4:6-7). Although God sometimes permits tragedy to happen in our lives, He is able to work all things together for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28).
11. Express your bitterness often to others around you.   People need to know exactly how  you feel.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are not to allow bitterness rise inside of us (Hebrews 12:15).  Sometimes it is best to say nothing,    especially when we are very angry (Ephesians 4:29).
12.  Hold all the anger and bitterness inside of you.  Christians don't get angry.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We, as Christians, do get angry, but what we do with anger is what counts (Ephesians  4:26-27).  Often, we can defuse anger by forgiving the other person, even if the other person is ones self  (Ephesians 4:32).
13. Get really mad at the Devil and command that he leave you alone.  He is your enemy and it is all his fault. *These are lies.*
Answers:   It is not our responsibility to get angry at the Devil.  God will take care of that  (Romans 12:19). We should remember that the Devil only can do to us what we allow or God permits (Job 1:10).
14. Be perfect in everything that you do.  If your life is not perfect, God will send you to Hell.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are not saved by our own righteousness, but by faith in the work of Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9)  Our  good works under the law can not save us (Roman 3:28).
15.  Never cry.  People will think that you are weak.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  David, the king of the nation of Israel, released his emotions through tears (Psalm  6:6).   Even Jesus, the Son of God, wept (John 11:35).
 16.  Always condemn yourself.   This makes people really accept you.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are not condemned when we live in Christ and walk by the Spirit  (Romans 8:1).   We  are to  allow others to see who we are in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17).
17. If you make a counseling appointment, don't  keep it.  You are too hurt and angry to talk to anyone.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  Everyone needs counsel at one time or another (Proverbs 15:22).  Usually the times that we are hurt and angry are the times we need counsel and prayer the most (James 5:16).
18. Isolate yourself from your friends.   They just don't understand your needs. *These are lies.*
Answers:  Friends have a God-given purpose to encourage us and lift us up out of depression  (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).  Jesus is our closest friend and he understands what we are what we are experiencing (Hebrews 2:18).
19. Don't forgive that  person who hurt you.   He doesn't deserve to be forgiven. *These are lies.*
Answers:  We are to forgive others that God may forgive us (Matthew 6:12, 14-15).  Forgiveness is a gift that  we give to others that is never deserved (Matthew 18:22-35).
 20. Invite anger, bitterness, hate, revenge into your life. They will help you to control other people.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  When we open the door to anger, bitterness, hate, and revenge, we may be opening  the door  to demonic spirits (Ephesians 4:27).   Evil spirits may end up controlling you (Matthew 18:34).
21. Don't ask God to forgive you for the terrible sin or sins that you have committed.  God would not forgive you anyway.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  We should go to God when we sin and ask forgiveness (I John 1:9).  He will remove our worse sins and make us like new again (Isaiah 1:18).
22. Make plans of how you would commit suicide.  If  things get too bad for you to handle, you may need to use it. *These are lies.*
Answers: The thoughts that we entertain will determine the actions that we will  later take  (Proverbs 23:7a).  God will always provide a way of escape through His grace (I Corinthians 10:13).  We should not make plans to commit suicide that might be carried out.  (Romans 13:14).
23. Tell everyone that you are going to commit suicide.  This might help you to gain their sympathy.   *These are lies.*
Answers:  We should remember that the tongue is like a rudder that may  set the  course for  entire ship  (James 3:4-5).    Some  people are not discrete and  become talebearers bringing additional wounds to us  (Proverbs 26:22).
24. Go ahead and kill yourself.  You have the right to do whatever you want to do with your life.  *These are lies.*
Answers:  God says that we are not to kill (anyone else or ourselves) (Exodus 20:13).  The body of the  Christian is not his own, but it has been purchased by the blood of Christ and has become the temple  of the  Holy Spirit  (I Corinthians 6:19-20).   The  Believer is  to present  his body to God as living sacrifice, not a dead one  (Romans 12:1).
25. You are just and accident and have no purpose in living.. *These are lies.*
Answers:  God knew you before you were born. (Psalms 139:13-17).  God does have a good plan for your life.  (Jeremiah 29:11).  His plan is for you to minister to others in need. (Philippian 1:21-26).
26. It is tto late for me. My life will never change. *These are lies.*

Answers:  The Bible say that today is the day of Salvation (II Corinthians 6:2). Nothing is too hard for God (Matthew 19:26). You can give your life to the Lord today (Romans 10:9-10).

Remember that the enemy may come disguised in your own thoughts. You can add "IN THE NAME OF JESUS" to your thoughts and blow the enemy's cover.  For example, "I am going to commit suicide in the name of Jesus".  It should come out sounding WRONG!

The Bible On Suicide